32 S Broad St Ridgewood, NJ 07450 |   (201) 444-0012
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Tues-Sat 4:00 pm -8:00pm

Sun & Mon 4:00pm - 7:00pm

Standing Down and Ready

We're Baaack with new, improved format to send stuff into the ether hoping it lands in mailboxes of our friends. Lots of craziness since last wrote but, hey, it's 2020 and it's strange, stranger than Season of the Witch strange. Hope you're safely maintaining as much normalcy as pragmatism dictates. Glad to say those visiting the store have more sense than some occupying high office. Maybe things brighten in coming months, time tells. Thanksgiving was best ever being schooled in the art of turkey prep by the master herself. Together making all the trimmings, setting the formal dining room with the finest wares, candellight illuminating the scene, each at ends of the table like royals. Hope yours as lovely and memorable. Moving toward the others as year's end in sight we can assist with celebratory needs for the art of entertaining your small gatherings. Look forward to your attendence in the Cellars. Stay safe and smart. See you here.

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